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Dr. Marie Guillaume, Principal
Michael Dibiasi, Assistant Principal
Marie St. Gilles, Assistant Principal
Stephanie Semidey, Assistant Principal
Montaña y lago
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Cabañas de playa
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Rueda de la fortuna
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Bicicletas urbanas
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Montes con nubes
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Muelle con niebla
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Café en otoño
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The English Language Arts classes here at HSET provide a diverse range of reading and writing experiences for the students. Both freshmen and sophomores have the opportunity to read literary works from engaging writers like John Steinbeck, George Orwell, and William Shakespeare. The classes also contain a good balance of traditional writing assignments (argument, literary response, etc.) and creative activities (webpages, comic strips, etc.). In this way, our English classes allow students to grow both academically and creatively in preparation for college and the real world.
English Department
Math Department
The High School for Energy and Technology's Mathematics Department is currently offering Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II/Trigonometry to our school's diverse student population. All current math classes terminate in New York State Regents Exams. As a department, our goal is to have students understand important mathematical concepts - not simply just procedures. All levels of mathematics include real world application and an inquiry approach to learning.
Science Department
The Science department here at HSET include Living Environment and Earth Science. Freshman typically take Living Environment while Sophomores will study Earth Science. Plenty of hands on activities combined with rigorous classroom and lab instruction prepare students in both science classes to take the NYS Regents exam in the specific area of study at the end of the year. Additionally, each class has a requirement that students successfully complete 1200 minutes of lab time in addition to regular classroom work.
Earth Science. This class prepares students to take the Physical Setting, Earth Science Regents Exam and to become aware of the Earth on which we live. Students will study Geology, Astronomy, Meteorology, and Oceanography during the course and need to be ready to cover a great deal of material and conduct themselves in a manner that will allow the learning environment to benefit each student’s needs and allow for the greatest level of learning possible. Mrs. Adams is available after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays for students needing extra help.
Social Studies Department
The goal of Social Studies class at HSET is to explore the curriculum in a way that develops the critical thinking and communication skills that our students will need to succeed in the future. The ability to think for oneself is especially important today as we are all constantly bombarded with various forms of media and the ideas of others. After completing their social studies coursework at HSET, students will be able to formulate their own ideas, back them up with real knowledge and communicate them both verbally and through the written word.
Social Studies Department
The goal of Social Studies class at HSET is to explore the curriculum in a way that develops the critical thinking and communication skills that our students will need to succeed in the future. The ability to think for oneself is especially important today as we are all constantly bombarded with various forms of media and the ideas of others. After completing their social studies coursework at HSET, students will be able to formulate their own ideas, back them up with real knowledge and communicate them both verbally and through the written word.
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